What is Food 4 Life
Let food work for you ... not against you ....
Wouldn’t life be easy if there was just one food you had eat to be healthy? You could eat that one special food every day and you would be good to go! Unfortunately it is not quite that easy. Our food is not a pill. A food does not work on the human body in isolation, but rather in concert with a variety of foods. The healthiest food concert is plant based food. This isn’t just your fruits, vegetables and grains, but your herbs, legumes, lentils, nuts and seeds. It is these foods that not only define health with vitamins and minerals but also a host of phytonutrients whose magic we continue to unveil. Our practice is devoted to plant based eating. Our website focuses on plant based recipes and resources to help you achieve the healthiest diet possible. Even if you do not choose a vegetarian diet, at least 75% of your diet should be plant based. If you face disease or other health disorders you can still navigate a plant based diet, you just need to know how. We provide the tools to help you do just that. Whether you require food sensitivity testing, nutrient testing or meal planning, we can help you create the perfect healthy diet for your individualized needs.